February 04, 2008

Don’t blame Basel II, it’s Basel I that got us here!

Sir, you are publishing many letters, like for instance on February 4, that blame Basel II for our current financial turmoil. Not true. The genesis of it all lies squarely with the original Basel Accord and its first implementation, Basel I. That is when our regulators decided to enforce a system of minimum capital requirements on the banks and to empower the bureaucrats of the credit rating agencies as their outsourced risk surveyors.

The whole Basel affair is just another example of the dictatorship of information and knowledge that places all the decision in hands of specialists whom in this case, with the usual arrogance of specialists, thought they could control risk and completely ignored that there is nothing as risky as the risk you believe you have under control.

What do we learn from this all? The same old lesson! Listen to the experts but do not, under any circumstances, give them power to control it all, as that will, by virtue of incestuous degeneration, put in force uncontrollable and very dangerous forces.